How it Works

Fix my Screenplay was started by Hollywood Story Analyst, Barb Doyon, with three main objectives:
Objective #1 - Move the aspiring screenwriter or TV writer to an A-list level.
Objective #2 - Keep aspiring writers updated on current industry standards
Objective #3 - Teach screenwriters, TV writers and novelists Advanced Marketing Techniques
Published Every Thursday
Week 1 of each month, we'll cover the BASICS from screenwriting to how the industry works.
Week 2 of each month, we'll cover PLOT, STRUCTURE and CHARACTERS. Learn how to write concepts that sell.
Week 3 of each month, we'll cover DIALOGUE AND SCENES. Learn how to write visual and dialogue subtext.
Week 4 of each month, we'll dive into ADVANCED MARKETING TECHNIQUES & show writers how to make money on-line.
Final Day of Each Month = Barb Doyon will answer questions regarding content currently on the website, in a special Q&A post.
Free & Paid Subscriptions
CONTENT INCLUDES: Weekly Newsletters that contain video instructions, audio instructions, long-form blogs, short-form articles, quizzes, assignments, case studies and much more.
FREE TIER: Access to the Introductory Newsletter and Sneak Peeks at Upcoming Newsletters. Subscribe on the Home Page.
PAID TIER: $8 a month or get a 20% discount with a yearly subscription, and access to ALL CONTENT. Non-Refundable.
In future newsletters, Fix My Screenplay will be covering:
Novel Adaptations
Television Writing
Writing the Look Book (TV Pilot Bible)
Television Formats (PrimeTime, Cable & Streaming)
How to Pitch
How to Turn An Idea into a Hit Reality-TV Show
Meet the Hollywood Producers
Introverts' Guide to Becoming a Career Writer
Landing Writing Assignments
Industry Pro Interviews
...and much more.